FREESTYLE ALBERTA SKI SUMMIT – December 9-10 – New Location: Calgary’s Winsport

Terrain Building and Officials Training NOW at Winsport in Calgary! 

Calling all parents, friends and alumni – WE NEED YOU!  

Freestyle Alberta is committed to producing great contests on Terrain appropriate courses for escalated athlete experiences.
This year we are hosting 3 Canada Cups (Canada Winter Games Test Events), Alberta Winter Games and 2 NorAms in addition to the Provincial Series, Club Comps and World Cup.  It is going to take a lot of boots on the ground (inside and out) to roll out these events, so we are presenting a SNOW SUMMIT at Winsport in Calgary December 9-10 to provide training!
ALL are encouraged to attend- NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED (we are asking that ALL Clubs send a minimum of 3 key people.) After attending the Workshops, you will be well on your way to assist in the hosting of SAFE, FUN, MEANINGFUL competitions and may fill the requirements to be recognized as Level II & III Officials!

Here’s the Schedule:

Saturday, December 9

8:30 – 12 – FC Officials Training Level II – Roles & Responsibilities

12-1pm – Working lunch – Review of Previous events – Best Practices Forum and Q&A

1 -4pm – ON SNOW  – Mogul Course Building Seminar at Winsport, cat building, and layout

Sunday, December 10

8:30 – 12:30 – FC Officials Training level III – Event Hosting and Management

12:30 – 1pm –  Lunch

1 – 3:30 – ON SNOW Slopestyle Course Building Seminar – Outside in Terrain Park – layout and design

3:30 – 4pm – Wrap-up

To prepare for the summit, take your FREESTYLE CANADA Level 1 Officials course. Simply register for your membership/ insurance as an associate member and you’ll get a FREE link to the online SnowSports Officials Course.

Please RSVP with your name and contact info to and don’t hesitate to call Susan at 403-297-2718 if you have any questions!