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Club Spotlight: ULLR Big Mountain

When the Ullr Big Mountain club was founded in 2017 the initial goal was to offer a higher standard of coaching than freeride programs typically offered at the time. “We wanted to connect our athletes to all that mountains, and a winter environment, can offer,” said Jordy Burks, Program Director. “To that end, we hosted a lot of outdoor activities beyond skiing: hiking, canoeing, camping, rock climbing, backcountry hut trips, mountain biking, and so on.”

The ultimate objectives for the club continue to be: “to help our athletes find their potential as skiers; guide them in assessing the related risks; expose them to a tight-knit community they can share their adventures with; and, above all, to have fun!”

But, according to Jordy, there is also a more abstract goal, “to help kids be grateful and happy, be comfortable in their own skin, to have a bit of swagger when things feel difficult; and to be ‘team players’.”

We asked Jordy a few more questions; see below the images for his insightful responses.


Question: What kinds of skiers typically join your club? 

Answer: We tend to attract a wide range of skiing ability across the ages of 9 – 18. With respect to basic skiing skill, our minimum standard is confidence skiing a typical Lake Louise black diamond. With respect to the elements of freestyle skiing, we coach entry level to advanced rail skills, and coach aerial skills up to, but not including, doubles on snow.  Because freeride is about being a well-rounded skier, we attract kids that enjoy all aspects of skiing.  The vast majority are also multi-sport. So, they are still involved in hockey, soccer, cross-country skiing, swimming, and so on, and they want to ski as well—or they are transitioning from those sports to freestyle skiing.  (This has made the coaching side of things quite fun, as we get some very good athletes, though not necessarily accomplished skiers.  So their rate of improvement is really high).   

Q: How does the club support the development of skiing skills, from beginners to advanced skiers?

Answer: As skill development goes, safety is our number one priority.  We spend a lot of time, in coach training, on group management; trying to identify and break skills into smaller bits to increase the odds of eventually getting the ‘full skill;’ and so on.  We also try to create an inclusive environment.  A cornerstone to an athlete’s willingness to experiment, and put in a good effort, is their sense that whoever is coaching them cares about them and is invested in their well-being.  Outside of that, freeride is really about making skiing as fun as can be.  One thing we do, here, and especially with young kids, is keep things moving.  Our lessons on the day are often built around skiing the entire mountain and using whatever is in front of us to learn freestyle maneuvers or turn mechanics.  Finally, the fun of freeride is connected to a high degree of improvisation.  So we have our coaches think outside the box and get the athletes skiing and practicing in a way that no challenge on skis would ever really surprise them.  The novelty seems to keep the stoke high.  

Q: How does the club engage with the local community or contribute to winter sports awareness?

Answer: In terms of community involvement, our governing body, the IFSA, and the ski areas themselves, host our competitions.  However, a key thing we do is make our sport accessible.  A few examples: we have notable flexibility in our program offerings; our application process leans toward increasing female representation; and we have no mandatory parent volunteer commitment.  We also put a lot effort toward removing some of the financial barrier to participation: we keep our program pricing relatively low; we have bursaries and/or a barter system for families that may need help; we fundraise to bring down the cost of air bag and travel expenses; we help the athletes with sponsorship; and so on.  And a final thing: we try to stay in a positive relationship with all the ski areas and businesses that make our sport possible.   

Q: Can you share one of the most memorable experiences the club has had during a ski trip?

Answer: The most memorable moments in our club are usually tied to some connection with the natural beauty of where we live; a sense of belonging and community; and a sense of potency with respect to skiing.  Thankfully, freeride seems to easily generate all of this.  One very memorable team building event was a four day fall backpack in the Sawback Range, where we hiked from Lake Louise to Johnson’s Canyon.  Powder days always generate stoke; travelling to new places has kept things fresh; and then freeride competitions themselves are super fun.  Competitions often bring out the athlete’s very best skiing self, and then posses of skiers from different ski teams naturally form after the events and rip the mountain.  You couldn’t really find better ski buddies. 

Good luck and continued successes to the ULLR Big Mountain club!

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